Still unsure about the COVID-19 vaccine? Hear what your neighbors & local health workers have to say

When Harrowgate and Kensington residents Darlene Burton and Carmen Tejada were first eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, they said they were hesitant. 

“I did not want to get vaccinated — I was not rolling up my sleeve at first,” Burton said. “But after some research, working [at Esperanza Health Center], getting factual information, and talking to family members, I did decide to get vaccinated.”

Both Burton and Tejada, along with their colleague Madelyne Groves, are Esperanza Health Center’s COVID-19 ambassadors for their neighborhoods — Harrowgate, Kensington, and Hunting Park, respectively. Using their experience as community members who were once hesitant to get vaccinated, they said they understand people’s hesitation and help guide them toward accurate vaccine information.

“Now, people ask me about how they can get a vaccine for their youngest son or for their teenagers, or they ask me to talk to their cousin because they really don’t want to get the vaccine,” Tejada said.

To read more about vaccination efforts in Kensington and the public health workers trying to deliver accurate information to their neighbors, click here.